Students of MP, congratulations on a great week of school! You have earned an Athletic Dress Code Day on Friday, November 1, 2024. Please continue to behave like a chaMP! Remember to check yourself before reporting to school and let's have a GREAT Friday!

Senior baby ads are due by Friday, November 15th! Space is limited and is first come, first serve. We are not able to take any late orders due to our deadlines. Link for info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BoyGZfcUpe-oL6NPfNOiMNz8jbgg334WuPZI5oyVAg0/edit?usp=sharing

All students needing to makeup their school photo will take them during first block tomorrow. All clubs will take photos tomorrow during 2nd and 3rd. The schedule is posted on all grade level classrooms.

Congratulations to our MP FFA Forestry CDE team for winning the National Championship in Indianapolis. That's right, this NATIONAL CHAMPION team consists of Tara Atkinson, Ethan Bertram, Eason Farmer, and Lola Talton. Way to go BULLDOGS!

MP softball splits games with Southeast Bulloch High today in the sweet sixteen playoffs. 3rd game will be played Friday at 12 pm. Go Dogs!! We appreciate the send off spirit and support today for these girls! #gogetem

MP, congratulations on a great week of school! You have earned an Athletic Dress Code on Friday, October 25! Please continue to behave like a chaMP. Remember to check yourself before reporting to school. Spirit Day, Pep Rally, and adjusted schedule tomorrow! Go Dogs!!

Congratulations on a great week of school! You have earned an Athletic Dress Code on Friday, October 17! Please continue to behave like a chaMP! Remember to check yourself before reporting to school. Ladies- shirts should be correct length. Guys- shorts should be correct length.

Meet Monroe County Achievement Center Spotlight Teacher for September! Sponsored by Big Peach Car Wash.
Randall Bigham is a Math Teacher at MCAC. He has been teaching Math at MCAC for 16 years. Mr. Bigham says that he chose his profession because he enjoys working with kids and teaching math. His favorite thing about being a teacher is seeing former students working in various capacities throughout the state. In his free time, Mr. Bigham likes to hunt and fish, eat at Olive Garden or enjoy seafood. He also enjoys reading, watching The Lion King, and spending time with his wife and six children.

Meet Monroe County Achievement Center Spotlight Teacher for September! Sponsored by Big Peach Car Wash.
Jennifer (Jen) Bond is the FLP teacher at MCAC. She has been teaching in various capacities for 23 years. Teaching is Mrs. Bond’s third career. She went through the "Teach for GA" program in 2001 and went on to get her certification and Master's from Georgia State University. Mrs. Bond went to her first "teaching fair" in Clayton Co. and came away with a job at Lovejoy High School. While teaching there, she was living in Gwinnett Co. She and her husband decided to look for a place closer to her job and ended up in Barnesville. After she moved, she started going to Macon shopping and every time she passed the Mary Person sign, she would say, "I believe that I will be here someday". In 2006, an opening became available in the ACCESS program and she applied. She has been in Monroe County ever since. She has worked at MPHS in various roles; MPFC as a co-teacher in Science and History; and finally at MCAC as the FLP teacher. She is starting my 3rd year at MCAC and LOVES working with ALL her students! Mrs. Bond has a favorite memory of teaching. While at MPHS in the ACCESS program, she and her para would talk to the students about being on American Idol. At the time, this was a newer show on TV and all the students loved it! Her para asked if they had seen her on the show the night before. They had one young lady say that she saw her on the show but not her para. The para asked what Mrs. Bond sang. The student sat up and cleared her throat and started singing Carrie Underwood's song "Jesus Take the Wheel" but was not saying the correct words. She was singing "Jesus Take a Wiz". They were so tickled and so were the students. Before we knew it, the incident had gone all the way to the BOE. She had to tell the story MULTIPLE times! Mrs. Bond lives in Barnesville with her husband (David) and her parents (Lonnie and Jean Bentley). They have a Boston Terrier (Skye) and a Russian Tortoise (Bubba). David is retired and so are her parents. They moved back from Kentucky to be with her and David so that they could help take care of them. When not in the classroom, Mrs. Bond loves to needlepoint, watch movies, and have "Retail Therapy" with her Best Friend, Debra.

Students of MP... UNFORTUNATELY, we had an incident today that will not allow us to have an Athletic Dress Code tomorrow, Friday, October 4, 2024. Remember, Friday is the day to start earning for the next Athletic Dress Code Friday. Let’s ALL choose to be a CHAMP every day!

Thank you for a great HOMECOMING last week! Since we were unable to enjoy athletic wear last Friday (school closure / Hurricane Helene), you may wear athletic wear tomorrow, Thursday, 10/3/24! Stay focused and finish strong as we prepare for Fall Break! #BeAchaMP

Attention!! The FFA Annual Plant Sale is Tuesday, October 1, 2024. Because of construction, it will be held behind the home stands of Dan Pitts Football Stadium. Everyone will need to enter and exit through the cemetery on Newton Memorial Drive. No entry via school campuses.

Attention MP faculty, staff and students. Tonight’s Mary Persons High School Homecoming football game versus Upson-Lee High School will go on as scheduled as well as the Homecoming dance on Saturday. Please refer to your recent email for details. Thanks and Go Dogs!

Students of MP, please check your school email for important detailed information regarding the MPHS schedule for tomorrow. We will dismiss at 12:30 pm from school. Be a CHAMP!!

Continuing to make improvements around campus! MPHS’s talented Art Club designed and painted four benches in the parking lot bringing a vibrant addition to the campus. Thank you to Mrs. Trevitt and members of the Art Club. Amazing job!

Students of MP,
Congratulations on a great week of school! You have earned an Athletic Dress Code Day on Friday, September 20, 2024. Remember, to check that shirts and shorts are the correct length for all students before reporting to school.

Students, Congratulations! You have earned Athletic Dress Code on Friday, September 13, 2024. Please remember to exemplify CHAMP behavior at all times and at all MP events. Let's remember to be Courteous, Honorable, Accountable, Motivated, and Prepared each and every day!

Congratulations to our Tri-M 2024-25 officers, our current members, our new members, and our new Honorary members! Thank you Mr. Sweat for your inspiring message. Thank you, Samantha Stephens, for your entertainment tonight! May the Music Never End! 🖤💛

Remember extracurricular activities, such as football games, are an extension of the school day. All students are expected to behave appropriately at extracurricular events. Inappropriate behaviors will be addressed the next school day. Be a CHAMP in all settings!

Congratulations on a great week of school! You have earned an Athletic Dress Code Day on Friday, September 6, 2024. Please continue to behave like a chaMP! Remember, to check yourself before reporting to school. Go Dogs!